Grants received

Associació Leader de Ponent

Implementation of local development strategies

Action under the Rural Development Programme for Catalonia 2014-2020 co-financed by:

Unió Europea (Fons Europeu Agrícola de Desenvolupament Rural: Europa inverteix en les zones rurals) Generalitat de Catalunya (Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació)

Project awarded in the 2016 call:

Upgrading cooperative facilities consisting of civil engineering, acquiring tanks, oil filter and other equipment. The investment is for inclusion in organic oil production: purchasing tanks, systems and works, equipment and other upgrades.

Project awarded in the 2019 call:

Upgrading the filtering and packaging system and purchasing a pilfer-proof capping machine and a pallet baler. The investment consisted of purchasing a capping machine with a pilfer-proof system and a baler. The filtering system was also upgraded by fitting taps which make it possible to switch from one type of oil to another without putting on and taking off the hoses.

Project awarded in the 2020 call:

Upgrading the storage and packaging systems, purchasing a pneumatic capping machine for pressure caps, seven video surveillance cameras and purchasing modules for accounting and web software.